LifestyleTikToker shares budget-friendly secret for luxury home scent

TikToker shares budget-friendly secret for luxury home scent

If you want your home to smell nice, you might be inclined to buy expensive candles or chemical-filled air fresheners. However, there's a simple and cost-effective method for creating a luxurious scent.

Method for a homemade air freshener
Method for a homemade air freshener
Images source: © TikTok | tipsfromluan

Are you searching for an easy and inexpensive way to craft a natural air freshener? Thanks to a certain TikToker, you'll reconsider purchasing high-priced scent sticks or spray fresheners ever again.

Luan, a TikTok user who regularly shares DIY and home renovation tips on his channel, has attracted over 680,000 followers. They are often taken by his affordable and effective solutions. Recently, he revealed a trick to achieve a "rich person's scent," explaining how it makes his house smell like it's owned by someone truly affluent.

How to make a homemade air freshener?

At the start of the video, Luan from the TikTok profile @tipsfromluan mentioned that this method is ideal for those who enjoy citrus scents. He cut limes into four segments and covered each with a teaspoon of coarse salt. Then, he added about 3 teaspoons of rubbing alcohol to each bowl containing the citrus.

Luan presented three different variations of the homemade freshener. One container retained the original mix of lime, salt, and rubbing alcohol; to another, he added half a cap of fabric softener to amplify the fragrance, and to the third, he introduced cloves to further repel pests.

Where to place homemade air fresheners?

Luan stated that combining these three homemade air fresheners is ideal for any household. He revealed that he keeps the basic version in the bathroom, and the one with cloves is positioned near the window to keep flies and mosquitoes at bay.

The version with fabric softener is discreetly placed in the living room due to its strong and delightful aroma, often making visitors inquire about the source of the pleasant smell. Luan believes that once you've prepared these air fresheners, you'll never feel the need to purchase a store-bought scent for your home again.

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