FoodThe healing power of chamomile cocktails: Revolutionize your stress relief

The healing power of chamomile cocktails: Revolutionize your stress relief

Chamomile is a versatile medicinal plant that can relieve various ailments, from digestive issues to stress and insomnia. Its natural properties make it a valuable element of a home medicine cabinet. Instead of brewing tea, prepare a chamomile cocktail to enjoy its benefits fully.

Prepare a chamomile-based cocktail.
Prepare a chamomile-based cocktail.
Images source: © Canva | Charlotte May

Chamomile is well-known as a remedy for stress. Chamomile tea is among the most popular, and it's no wonder. It's worth noting that fresh chamomile flowers are edible so that you can prepare a precious drink based on them.

Chamomile for stress and mood improvement

Chamomile is often used as a soothing agent for stomach ailments. Compounds in it, such as bisabolol and matricin, have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, which can help alleviate muscle spasms and discomfort in the digestive tract. Consuming chamomile is recommended for issues such as bloating, indigestion, or inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Chamomile is primarily known as a grandmother's remedy for stress. It acts as a relaxant and calming agent, helps reduce nervous tension, and facilitates falling asleep. Apigenin, one of the main active components of chamomile, binds to GABA receptors in the brain, which may contribute to a feeling of relaxation and peace.

Although chamomile is usually safe for most people, some allergic to plants in the Asteraceae family, such as marigolds or calendula, may experience an allergic reaction. It is always advisable to consult a doctor before starting chamomile, especially in pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and people taking anticoagulant drugs.

Chamomile cocktail for stress. Recipe

The power of the cocktail lies in consuming the entire chamomile flower, not just the infusion made from it. Such a drink is best prepared with fresh chamomile flowers. It grows wild in fields, along roads, and meadows, blooming from May to July, so now is the best time to collect these precious flowers.

You can also prepare a chamomile cocktail with dried flowers. It's important to use whole flower heads, not just pieces of chamomile.

Chamomile is a grandmother's remedy for stress.
Chamomile is a grandmother's remedy for stress.© Pixabay

Don't worry. A chamomile cocktail mixes the herb with fruits. The simplest recipe calls for blending three bananas with eight fresh or dried chamomile flowers and half a cup (roughly 120ml) of water. Everything should be mixed until smooth and consumed as needed.

Importantly, you can prepare the cocktail according to your taste preferences, but do not combine chamomile with dairy products, as they can inhibit the action of flavonoids present in chamomile.

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