Tips&TricksShattering age-based stereotypes: The vibrant 70-year-old TikToker confusing her followers

Shattering age‑based stereotypes: The vibrant 70‑year-old TikToker confusing her followers

They have more vigour than many a young person.
They have more vigour than many a young person.
Images source: © TikTok | annab448

5 February 2024 09:02, updated: 7 March 2024 09:19

In the burgeoning 21st century, many people are liberating themselves from traditional norms and expectations, choosing to live on their own terms. Psychologists widely believe that this self-governed approach to life is decidedly healthier. Adopting a parallel life philosophy, our seasoned TikToker has decided to sidestep the naysayers.

Breaking ageist stereotypes, the TikToker opts for her choice of trendy, feminine, and vibrant outfits. Not just that, she embodies active living — dancing, spreading positivity, and frequently initiating jovial discussions about her perceived age with her followers. Impressively, all the responses skew younger... some even guessing her age to be 30 years less! What's her secret to maintaining such a youthful persona?

The TikToker comes across as a 39-year-old, despite being almost 70!

Meet @annab448, a zestful user on the popular platform TikTok. Despite being on the cusp of her 70th birthday, Anna exudes a vigour reflective of someone much younger. She disassembles the stereotypes attached to her age demographic, defying the traditional notion that certain activities or appearances should be age-restricted. Anna, a mother to three grown sons and grandmother to six, asserts her unique style, unfazed by judgment. Her vibrant, relaxed approach resonates through her TikTok presence, infecting her followers with her lively energy.

She's younger than you think!

Anna's fun-loving TikTok content often leaves her followers guessing her actual age. On being quizzed about her age, most err on the side of youth, incorrectly guessing it to be much lesser. Many TikTok users venture to guess that Anna resembles a woman in her forties. Her seemingly perennial youthfulness can be attributed to her active lifestyle, which contributes to her trim and well-maintained figure. Anna's youthful zest likely comes from her selection of contemporary, coordinated clothing and fitting makeup. But above all, her exuberant personality and ever-present smile likely play the most significant role in maintaining her youthful vitality.

It's worth highlighting that Anna's endeavour finds strong backing from other women. Many female users affirm their support in comments, expressing their desire also to forego stereotypical "granny attire". This resonates with the notion that age is merely arbitrary; your life and dreams should not be dictated by the turn of time.