FoodSalt in tea: An unconventional, calorie-free option that's shaking up the tea world

Salt in tea: An unconventional, calorie-free option that's shaking up the tea world

Forget about sugar and honey! This natural addition will chase away the bitterness from tea.
Forget about sugar and honey! This natural addition will chase away the bitterness from tea.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

9 February 2024 14:21

Ever pondered on how to diversify the taste of your beloved tea? You might find the answer startling. Against popular opinion, it's unnecessary to resort to sugar or honey to impart a unique character to our beverage. Recently, there has been growing chatter in culinary circles about an utterly unusual ingredient - salt. Let's examine this possibility.

Why add salt to tea?

Chemist Michelle Frencl, author of the book "Steeped: The Chemistry of Tea," postulates that sodium chloride, commonly referred to as table salt, neutralises the bitter aftertaste of tea, particularly those steeped for an extended period. Despite appearing shocking at first, this concept has amassed a broad fan base around the globe.

Even though adding a pinch of salt to tea might seem odd, many people insist that it does work! Salt subtly accentuates the taste of tea, eliminating bitterness, without incorporating any calories or artificial sweeteners.

While salt won't entirely substitute sugar or honey if you're a fan of the two, it can function as a healthy alternative for those mindful of their weight or desirous to reduce their sugar consumption.

What do the experts and tea lovers say?

The proposal to add salt to tea has stirred a tempest in the tea aficionado community. The British, for whom tea drinking is entrenched in their national culture, were particularly taken aback by this contentious suggestion. Additionally, the US Embassy in London weighed in on the topic, thereby fueling the debate further.

Taken aback by the depth of reactions, the author acknowledged that she hadn't anticipated such a strong response. However, she urges everyone to run their own tests on adding salt to their tea, leaving the judgment of this unconventional fusion to personal preference.

Despite the controversy, it's worth being receptive to new taste experiences and discovering whether a dash of salt can genuinely alter the taste of tea. No matter the outcome, this unusual proposition will surely linger in our memories for a considerable time.

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