Russian soldier uses a stick to down a drone, triggering an explosion
The war in Ukraine presents some of the most bizarre scenarios reminiscent of video games or action movies. One notable instance involves a Russian soldier attempting to bring down a compromised FPV drone with a stick. We explore why this caused an explosion.
An intriguing video has emerged online, depicting a Russian soldier trying to knock down a Ukrainian FPV drone using a stick. He succeeded on the third attempt, causing the drone to detonate.
This is not the first such “feat” among the Russians; another soldier recently tried to neutralize a drone similarly with an unlocked RPG-7 anti-tank grenade launcher.
FPV drones - a simple yet effective weapon that is quite difficult to defend against
FPV drones have become crucial for Ukrainians, enabling them to partially counteract equipment shortages like anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) or artillery systems.
The basis for these drones often involves stripped-down commercial drones like the DJI Mavic or DIY constructions from easily accessible parts. The essential components include a frame, electric motors with rotors, a control system, a camera, and a battery.
Explosive payloads are then fastened to these drones using duct tape or zip ties. These payloads often consist of stripped-down PG-7VL anti-tank grenades from RPG-7 launchers, bomblets taken from cluster munitions or bombs, or hand grenades. Interestingly, in many cases, the detonator is made from two wires whose contact completes an electrical circuit, causing an explosion. In the incident in question, it is likely that the Russian soldier short-circuited the cables with the third strike of the stick.
FPV drones are a significant threat for both Russian and Ukrainian soldiers because they are tough to defend against. Theoretically, the best defence is electronic warfare systems like the Silok-01 system, but they need to be widespread, which poses a challenge. Additionally, there is no guarantee that the opponent won't adapt their drones to operate on the jammer's frequency range, rendering them ineffective.
In such situations, the most effective method remains physical elimination, which, in the case of improvised means, involves using smoothbore shotguns with an effective range of approximately 30-40 metres. In contrast, professional systems may include modules like the SMASH modules from the Israeli company Smart Shooter.