TechRussian missile evades detection by flying over Belarus before striking Lviv

Russian missile evades detection by flying over Belarus before striking Lviv

Kinzhal missile
Kinzhal missile
Images source: © Public domain |
Norbert Garbarek

6 September 2024 07:33

The missile attack carried out by the Russians on Ukraine in recent days was unique for one reason. The Kindzhal missile launched towards Lviv flew over Belarus, reports the Ukrainian agency Unian. Alexander Azarov, the head of the ByPol organisation (a group of disenchanted officials of Lukashenko's regime), believes that Minsk was informed about this flight.

The Russians regularly shell Ukrainian territory. One of the most recent strikes, aimed at Lviv, was different for a particular reason. The Kh-47M2 Kindzhal missile belonging to the Russian Federation flew over Belarusian territory before reaching Ukraine. Alexander Azarov explained in an interview with Kyiv24 television why this happened.

Russian missile flew over Belarus

"I think the missile flew over Belarusian territory to reduce the risk of being shot down over Ukrainian territory," explained Azarov. He noted that the Ukrainians could not shoot it down when the missile crossed Belarusian airspace. "Therefore, there is a high probability that by flying over Belarus, the missile would reach its target," he added.

Azarov claims that the Belarusian Ministry of Defence knew that a Russian missile would appear over the country's territory and was instructed not to take any action, i.e., not to shoot down the incoming missile. The head of the ByPol organisation also noted that the Russian Federation is constantly looking for new ways to conduct more effective attacks against Ukraine.

Russian Kindzhal

The Kh-47M2 Kindzhal is a missile approximately 23 feet long, 3 feet in diameter, and weighing as much as 4.4 tonnes. This missile can achieve speeds of up to Mach 10, although more realistic estimates suggest a speed of approximately Mach 8, which is around 6,090 mph.

The Kh-47M2 Kindzhal's greatest advantage is its ability to perform complex manoeuvres during flight, which significantly complicates interception. Its ability to evade threats at every stage of flight makes it one of the most mobile hypersonic weapons.

Although the exact specifications of the Kh-47M2 Kindzhal’s guidance systems remain secret, it is known that the missile is equipped with advanced technologies enabling precise targeting of designated goals. The combination of speed and manoeuvrability significantly increases the effectiveness of this weapon.

Compared to other similar missiles, such as the Kh-101, the Kh-47M2 Kindzhal stands out primarily due to its higher speed and manoeuvrability. While the Kh-101 reaches speeds of around 620 mph, the Kindzhal can exceed 6,090 mph, making it an exceptionally difficult target to intercept.

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