NewsRussia Accuses Ukraine for Moscow Terror Attacks Amid Rising Tensions

Russia Accuses Ukraine for Moscow Terror Attacks Amid Rising Tensions

FSB reportedly knows the organizers of "terrorist attacks" in Russia.
FSB reportedly knows the organizers of "terrorist attacks" in Russia.
Malwina Witkowska

2 April 2024 11:03

Russian special services claim to have identified "by name" those who organized terrorist attacks in Moscow. The Russian Ministry of Justice demands the arrest and extradition of all involved. As expected, Moscow blames Ukraine for everything. Such a scenario conveniently serves their purpose.

Belsat TV reported that the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) allegedly knows who is behind the terrorist attacks in Moscow. This is what the Russians themselves believe.

Apparently, the authorities have identified by name the organizers of the attack on Crocus City Hall, which occurred near Moscow. FSB director Aleksandr Bortnikow said that law enforcement and Russian special services are constantly involved in the search for the organizers of the attacks. He also suggested that the trials lead to Ukraine.

As our president said, we know by name who is the organizer of the preparation and conduct of actions on our territory – assured Aleksandr Bortnikow, quoted by

Vladimir Putin calls for the search for Vlasovites

President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, called on FSB officers to search for soldiers who fled to Ukraine. He believes they pose a serious threat to the country. Now, they are attacking the Belgorod region, which has become a scene of heavy fighting in Russia.

He compared those fighting in volunteer units against Russia to Vlasovites. This term referred to soldiers during World War II who openly opposed Soviet power after being captured by the Germans.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the number of criminal cases under "terrorist articles" in Russia has sharply increased. Law enforcement agencies regularly report the arrests of supporters of volunteer groups fighting against Russia - reported Belsat TV.

Russia Blames Ukraine for the Moscow Attack

As reported by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the investigation showed that "traces of recent terrorist attacks lead to Ukraine." This is pure propaganda, which comes in handy for people in the Kremlin. After all, ISIS, which had long promised to bring Russians to their knees, admitted to the act.

The Russian ministry demands the arrest and extradition of all those involved. As reported by Belsat TV, among other demands, there was "the arrest and extradition" of the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Maluk. According to Russian services, he "confessed to blowing up the Crimea bridge in 2022".

Moscow demanded that "the regime in Kyiv immediately cease any support for terrorist acts and compensate for the damages caused to the victims" - reported Belarusian television Belsat.

The terrorist attack in Moscow occurred on March 22. Attackers struck at Crocus City Hall during a concert. The attack resulted in the death of at least 137 people, with nearly five hundred wounded. The Islamic State of Khorasan Province claimed responsibility, though Russian authorities are trying to assign co-responsibility to Ukraine and some NATO countries.