EntertainmentRoyal Resilience: Prince William returns to duties amid family health crisis

Royal Resilience: Prince William returns to duties amid family health crisis

Prince William returned to his duties.
Prince William returned to his duties.
Images source: © Getty Images

After disclosing the distressing news regarding Duchess Kate's battle with cancer, the royal family momentarily stepped back. Nevertheless, they have now resumed their duties. At a student's request, Prince William recently visited a school in Birmingham.

The British royal family is currently facing a lot of problems. It has been several months since King Charles III and Duchess Kate were admitted to the hospital due to previously planned surgeries. Unfortunately, during their stay at a London clinic, both the British monarch and his eldest son’s wife were diagnosed with cancer. After weeks of silence, Kate Middleton spoke about the health issues only at the end of March, cutting short all internet users' speculations. The Duchess postponed disclosing the diagnosis for the sake of the children.

While Duchess Kate is excused from any obligations, her husband cannot afford to disappear from the public scene completely. Prince William, after taking a short "leave" and spending time with family, last week returned to his duties and participated in a charity event.

A few days later, Prince William had another business trip. This time the 41-year-old went to Birmingham to fulfil a wish of one of the pupils at St. Michael's School. 12-year-old Freddie Hadley wrote to the heir to the throne last year, wanting to boast about mental health initiatives that he conducts along with other students. After a few months, William could finally accept the boy's invitation, who could not hide his excitement about the aristocrat's unannounced visit. The smiling prince met with a cheering crowd outside and spent a pleasant time with the school students. He even told them his daughter's favourite joke, Princess Charlotte. He mentioned that it was the only unseemly joke that came to his mind.

See the latest photos of Prince William.

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Prince William returned to his duties

Prince William returned to his duties.
Prince William returned to his duties.© Getty Images
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Prince William returned to duties

Prince William returned to his duties.
Prince William returned to his duties.© Getty Images
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Prince William has returned to his duties

Prince William returned to his duties.
Prince William returned to his duties.© Getty Images
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Prince William returned to duties

Prince William returned to duties.
Prince William returned to duties.© Getty Images
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Prince William returned to duties

Prince William returned to his duties.
Prince William returned to his duties.© Getty Images
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Prince William returned to duties

Prince William returned to his duties.
Prince William returned to his duties.© Instagram

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