LifestyleReviving green: Spanish secrets to a moss-free lawn

Reviving green: Spanish secrets to a moss-free lawn

Do you dream of a beautiful and well-maintained lawn? Wondering how to get rid of moss that spoils the aesthetics of your garden? Fortunately, there is an ecological solution that works wonders in this case.

How to get rid of moss from the lawn?
How to get rid of moss from the lawn?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | ANDREAS SCHULZE

Every garden or plot owner wants to enjoy the view of a green "carpet" of grass. However, after winter, they often find themselves grappling with moss, which looks unsightly and affects the lawn’s development and growth.

While moss might not bother everyone initially, it can grow to a considerable size over time. Luckily, Spanish gardeners employ a technique that allows you to quickly address the problem.

How to get rid of moss from the garden?

One of the easiest solutions for eliminating moss from your lawn is chemical agents available in garden stores. However, it’s widely known that such potent products can also negatively affect the plants and grass in your garden. Thus, before resorting to this definitive solution, it's advisable to consider more ecological alternatives that can successfully manage the moss issue.

To start, liming is a worthwhile endeavour. This process changes the soil’s pH and substantially reduces the amount of moss. Dolomite or calcium carbonate is recommended for this method. Another tactic is using wood ash from a fireplace or after a campfire. Ash contains valuable nutrients, including calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium, essential for the healthy growth of your lawn. Simply spread it evenly across the grass, and the moss will soon disappear. Furthermore, ash can enhance the colour and overall condition of your grass.

Another effective method to remove moss is applying iron sulfate. It works on the same principle, seeing that it comprises iron and sulfur, which help to reduce the soil's pH. Just scatter iron sulfate across the lawn, and the moss will turn black within two or three days. Afterwards, you only need to rake it away carefully.

Spanish method of fighting moss

One particularly intriguing solution used by Spanish gardeners involves soil activators. These formulations include natural ingredients such as humus, organically ground rock, or silica.

These agents help increase the soil's pH, boost its key nutrients, and enrich the substrate. Employing these substances fosters better grass growth and decreases the likelihood of moss developing.

Why does moss grow on the lawn?

Several factors contribute to moss growth, including, most notably, acidic soils and dense, clay-laden soils that retain moisture. Moreover, moss tends to appear more frequently on lawns in shaded areas. For such spots, planting grass varieties better suited to lower-light conditions is recommended. Moss problems can also worsen if the lawn is overwatered or if fertilisers are used to acidify the soil, lowering its pH.

Addressing moss on your lawn often requires strategies different from those used in the traditional battle against weeds. While manually removing the moss (pulling it out or raking) is an option, these methods may not provide lasting results.

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