FoodReinventing the salad: The rise of the strip slicing trend

Reinventing the salad: The rise of the strip slicing trend

What can surprise you in a salad? Certainly, the taste, the ingredients used, and sometimes even the form. The name "strip salad" comes from the way the ingredients are cut. It looks slightly different from other salads and tastes delicious.

The ribbon salad looks and tastes exquisite.
The ribbon salad looks and tastes exquisite.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | johannes guggenberger

When you read salad recipes, the ingredients can vary, but there is something that connects them: the recommendation to chop them into small cubes. This is how we typically prepare our favourite and most popular vegetable salad. However, with strip salad, it's completely different. All the ingredients are cut into narrow strips.

The method of cutting matters

When a colleague brought this salad to work, everyone was delighted with both its taste and appearance. The colleague explained that cutting into strips is no more difficult and does not take longer than cutting traditional cubes.

This cutting method is akin to the popular "julienne" technique among culinary masters. Julienne is a technique of cutting vegetables or meat into long, thin, and even sticks, approximately 2 inches long and about 0.08 inches in diameter. A similar method is also known in traditional Chinese cuisine. For the strip salad, the ingredients do not need to be as precisely cut as in a professional kitchen. The key is to maintain the shape.

Strip Salad


  • About 5 ounces of yellow cheese, e.g., gouda,
  • About 5 ounces of canned ham,
  • About 7 ounces of radishes,
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers,
  • 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise,
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard,
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped chives,
  • Salt and pepper to taste,
  • Lemon juice to taste.

Method of preparation:

  1. Cut the yellow cheese and canned ham into strips.
  2. Trim the ends off the radishes and then cut them into strips. Similarly prepare the cucumbers.
  3. Transfer all the ingredients to a bowl.
  4. Mix the mayonnaise with mustard and season with salt, pepper, and lemon juice to taste.
  5. Add the sauce to the chopped ingredients and mix well.
  6. Sprinkle the top with chives.
  7. It is best to chill the strip salad before serving.

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