NewsPutin reveals prisoner numbers: Russia holds 6,465 Ukrainians

Putin reveals prisoner numbers: Russia holds 6,465 Ukrainians

Putin revealed the number of prisoners. Shocking figures
Putin revealed the number of prisoners. Shocking figures
Images source: © Getty Images | 2022 Getty Images
Jakub Artych

6 June 2024 08:14

Vladimir Putin openly admitted for the first time how many Ukrainian prisoners of war the Russian army is holding. He added that the mobilization in Ukraine does not solve the problem but only "covers losses."

Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with journalists from international news agencies, stated that there are 1,348 Russian military prisoners in Ukraine, and in Russia, there are about five times more Ukrainian Armed Forces prisoners - 6,465 people.

Thus, the Russian president responded to a question from French AFP journalist Karim Talbi, who asked why Russia does not disclose its losses.

I can tell you that as a rule, no one talks about it,. I can tell you the exact number of those people who are being held by both parties, or, put simply, are in captivity. There are 1,348 of our soldiers and officers in Ukraine. know these numbers as we work with them every day, and just recently, you know, there was an exchange: 75 people for 75 people. We have 6,465 Ukrainian soldiers If we talk about irrecoverable losses, the ratio is 1 to 5, said the Russian president, quoted by the Russian portal Meduza.

Putin directly on Ukraine's actions

According to Putin, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lose up to 50,000 military personnel monthly - this, in his assessment, includes both irreversible and sanitary losses (killed and wounded). He added that the mobilization in Ukraine does not solve the problem but only "covers losses."

The American administration insists that the [conscription age] threshold be lowered to 18 years. I think the American administration will force the current leaders to make this decision, and then they will get rid of Zelensky, said Putin.
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