Presence of F‑16 fighters over Ukraine: an analysis of potential operations
Reports suggest that F-16s could already operate in Ukrainian airspace, reveals Svitan.
Nevertheless, the Ukrainian military highlights that, even though there are reports of F-16s potentially operating over Ukraine, the engineering and technical crew require around six months for complete preparation for service. As a result, Svitan estimates that F-16s will be entirely operational only in a few weeks. "I project their readiness by March-April," he speculates.
It's worth noting that the Ukrainians see F-16 fighters as a valuable asset that could offer an edge in aerial warfare, despite experts noting that the aircraft in itself isn't a "guarantee for success". The types of weapons the F-16 can carry are essential to its strategic value on the front lines.
Western allies have pledged to send several dozen planes to Kyiv. Nevertheless, some experts argue that this quantity cannot dominate the opposing forces. To establish control, Ukraine needs as many as 120 F-16s.
The awaited fighters, which Kyiv has been keen on acquiring, can reach speeds of 2 Mach and can function at elevations up to approximately 50,000 feet (around 15,240 metres), while possessing a range of approximately 1,988 miles (approximately 3,200 kilometres) or 2,610 miles (roughly 4,200 kilometres) with added fuel tanks. A lone aircraft weighs about 37,478 lbs (around 17,000 kilograms), and its primary weapon is the six-barrel 20mm M61 Vulcan cannon.
In the case of the F-16, supplemental weapons are significant, including the AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-9 Sidewinder, AGM-65 Maverick, or CBU-87, GBU-10, JDAM-missiles. Current reports indicate that Ukraine is slated to receive F-16s equipped with AGM-158 JASSM missiles. This is a weapon found onboard Polish aircraft, capable of achieving subsonic speed (0.9 Mach). The missile is about 14.1 feet (4.3 meters) long and is armed with a penetrating WDU-42/B warhead weighing around 948 lbs (roughly 430 kilograms). In its standard model, it has a range of about 249 miles (roughly 400 kilometres), and nearly 622 miles (about 1,000 kilometres) in the ER version.