AutosPorsche unveils fourth-gen Cayenne: Combustion engine stays

Porsche unveils fourth-gen Cayenne: Combustion engine stays

The premiere of the entirely new, fourth-generation Cayenne is rapidly approaching. Like the new Macan, this car will be a full-fledged electric vehicle. However, this does not mean the combustion engine variant will disappear from the market.

Porsche Cayenne after facelift
Porsche Cayenne after facelift
Images source: © Autokult | Maciej Rowiński
Aleksander Ruciński

Porsche has announced that it will not withdraw the current generation Cayenne and will offer it alongside the new electric vehicle. Additionally, Porsche plans to develop combustion V8 engines further to make them more efficient and environmentally friendly.

The second priority will be hybrids, acting as a bridge between combustion engines and full electrification. Porsche does not hide that it intends to enter 2030 with a full range of powertrains. This marks a clear change of direction compared to previous announcements, which focused on maximising electrification.

Porsche's original goal was to achieve an 80% share of electric vehicles in total sales before 2030. Today, the brand moderates its course - "The transition to electric cars is taking longer than we thought five years ago," reads its official statement published by Reuters

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