Numerology: Unraveling relationships through the power of numbers
Numerology is a broad field of knowledge that helps in understanding oneself and others. It can provide guidance on coping with various challenging situations, as well as assist in choosing the right partner. Utilise partnership numerology to find your perfect match.
What is numerology?
Numerology is often considered a pseudoscience and is not usually taken seriously. Nowadays, it is viewed more as a fun activity or a form of entertainment. However, in ancient times, this field of knowledge held great importance. It was a valuable tool used to guide actions, with rulers making critical decisions based on its principles.
Isopsephy, the practice of adding the numerical values of a word to obtain a single number, was practised by the Pythagoreans. Pythagoras proclaimed that numbers are the essence of everything, with one representing reason. Seven, as the sum of four (representing the world) and three (deity), symbolised the universe, space, and creation. Five – as the combination of the "female" two and the "male" three – represented love and marriage. Ten was considered a symbol of perfection and completeness, as it is the sum of the first four numbers (1+2+3+4).
The term numerology derives from two words: the Latin “numerus”, meaning number, and the Greek “logos” – science (a part we recognise from other fields, such as astrology or psychology). This term suggests that numbers have great significance, and numerology categorises all numbers into specific groups.
Classification of numbers and their characteristics
Among numbers, there are Basic Numbers, Karmic Numbers, Master Numbers, and Special Numbers. A separate category is zero. Each individual number is significant and has specific meanings assigned to it.
- Basic Numbers
Basic Numbers are the main numbers associated with each person from birth. These are also called Destiny Numbers. They define who we are and our qualities and talents. This category includes numbers from 1 to 9.
- Master Numbers
Master Numbers are double numbers with more profound meanings. These include 11, 22, and 33.
- Karmic Numbers
Karmic Numbers refer to significant events and matters related to karma. They concern issues that should be addressed to fully benefit from one’s life chances. These include 13, 14, 16, 19, and 26.
- Special Numbers
Special Numbers indicate exceptional potential. These include 17, 23, 27, 31, 40, and 41.
- Zero
Zero indicates exceptional abilities and possibilities of the person.
By examining the numbers described above, one can learn about their life. It’s enough to perform an analysis of your date of birth. How do you do it?
Numerological calculator
Calculating your date of birth is very straightforward. To do this, sum up the digits that make up the date of birth. Add up the day, month, and finally the year of birth. For example, to calculate the date of birth on 15 March 1987, sum the following digits: 1+5+0+3+1+9+8+7, which equals 34. In the next step, sum the digits that make up 34, that is 3+4, which gives the result 7. This number indicates that a person born on 15 March 1987 is a numerological seven.
Partnership numerology
People who trust numerology can base their choice of a future partner on it. Partnership numerology can be helpful in building relationships. If we calculate our numerological number and do the same with the date of birth of a potential partner, we can determine whether they have the potential for a good relationship.
Which numbers are compatible, and which are not?
- Ones are compatible with threes, fives, and sixes
Numerological ones like to take the lead, therefore, they will get along well with threes, fives, and sixes. However, relationships between ones and eights or fours are discouraged.
- Correlations of twos and threes
For twos, ideal partners are numerological fours and sixes. They can create a deep bond on a similar emotional level. An interesting relationship can also be expected between twos and eights. Twos should avoid fives and nines.
Threes will be on the same wavelength as ones, fives, and nines but are unlikely to form an ideal duo with fours and eights.
- Fours and fives and their partners
People born under the number four are compatible with twos as well as with sixes. A partnership with a one or a five can be a complete failure.
Fives should avoid twos and seek happiness with sevens.
- Sixes and sevens
Sixes will find themselves in harmonious relationships with ones, twos, and fours.
Sevens should consider partnerships with fives, nines, and other sevens.
- Eights and nines
Sevens will not get along with eights.
Nines have the potential to create good relationships with threes, sevens, and other nines.
Is it worth following numerology when choosing a partner?
There is no clear answer to this question. It depends on one’s beliefs. Each individual should answer this question for themselves. If we take numerology seriously, such a numerological partnership horoscope can guide our future. If we do not believe in the power of numbers, it is not worth heeding what the numbers say. It’s always worth considering numerology as a bit of fun.
Numerology offers an interesting approach to relationships, but it's important to remember that it is just one piece of the puzzle. With any life partner, there will be good and bad days, challenges, and difficulties, regardless of what the numbers say.