Natural defences: How to dodge mosquito bites this summer
July is the peak mosquito activity season. These insects attack us from all sides. How can you protect yourself? If you prefer natural methods, head to the garden. You'll find a plant there that repels mosquitoes.
June and July are the months with the highest mosquito activity. Insects are everywhere and attack anyone they can—no wonder so many people choose to use special insect-repellent sprays. Most of them are based on strong chemical ingredients.
If you prefer natural healthcare methods, reach for a leaf of a popular plant. Just rub it on your skin; mosquitoes won't even near you. What plant is it?
Pick from the bush and rub on your skin. Mosquitoes won't even come near
Mosquitoes are small insects belonging to the fly family. There are about 3,500 different species worldwide. They feed on the blood of mammals and birds and bite into the skin with piercing-sucking mouthparts. A mosquito bite is unpleasant and associated with persistent itching at the site.
How can you effectively protect yourself from mosquitoes? There are many different ways. In almost every pharmacy and drugstore, you will find repellents with protective effects. Most of them are based on strong chemical ingredients. Although effective, they can cause skin irritation.
However, there is another equally effective way to eliminate the need to use pharmacy products. Mosquitoes are susceptible to scents. Some attract them, while others repel them. One such scent is the aroma emitted by tomato leaves. Pick a few leaves from the bush, slightly crush them, rub them on your skin, and stash them in your pocket. Mosquitoes won't even come near you.
Mix with oil and rub on your skin. Forget about bites
Don't have access to tomato leaves? No problem. Reach for essential oils from plants such as lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, mint, rosemary, or camphor. You can buy them in any pharmacy. You can prepare an aromatic oil with calming, relaxing, and... mosquito-repelling effects from them.
How do you make it? Get a natural oil for skin care, such as almond, avocado, macadamia, cottonseed, or raspberry seed oil. Mix it with 15 drops of your chosen essential oil (scents can be mixed), then apply it to your skin. Use it before every outing, and forget about bites.