Lifestyle'My 600-lb Life' star Christina Phillips' radical transformation: from 49st to 13st

'My 600‑lb Life' star Christina Phillips' radical transformation: from 49st to 13st

The morbid obesity of Christina Phillips led to serious health complications. She also struggled owing to the difficulties encountered when moving around at the hefty weight of 49st. This impacted her social life, causing her to spend all her days confined at home. Choosing to join the "My 600-lb Life" show was a decision that drastically changed her life for the better.

Christina was a prisoner of her own body.
Christina was a prisoner of her own body.
Images source: © Youtube | YouTube

She underwent a radical transformation. It's hard to differentiate her present self from how she appeared in the past

Christina Phillips confessed that she felt imprisoned in her own flesh. Her life was confined within four walls due to her excessive weight. The surplus pounds wielded a considerable toll on her health. Several other health problems that were exacerbated by her obesity were part of Christina's life. Getting from one room to another left her gasping for breath and depleted her energy, she reported.

Her situation was undeniably dire. The trip to Houston, where they filmed the show, posed a colossal challenge for her. Christina had had enough of being dependent on the assistance of her family and friends, so she resolved to make a lasting change.

By participating in "My 600-lb Life," Christina had bariatric surgery after initially losing some weight under expert monitoring. Following the surgery, she switched to a specialised diet and started a consistent exercise regime.

Her transformation left her unrecognizable. It's difficult to consider she's the same individual

Thanks to her involvement in the programme, Christina managed to lose over 31st. The 32-year-old now weighs around 13st, transforming her daily life significantly. She hasn't reverted to her old weight. She plays the role of mother to Ezra and Ethan. Phillips' radiant smile is evidence enough that this transformation has been a pivotal event in her life, altering it forevermore.

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