'Moana 2' set to become biggest animated debut in history
"Moana 2" by Disney embarked on its cinematic journey with an impressive opening day result of $57.5 million, making it one of the biggest animation debuts in history.
This weekend is remarkable in the USA. It began on Thursday with Thanksgiving Day, so the weekend results will include screenings from Wednesday to Sunday evening. It is predicted that "Moana 2" will earn between $175 and $200 million over these five days. Even at the lower predictions, the film will surpass the result of "Frozen 2" from 2019, which grossed $125 million. If it reaches the upper limit of forecasts, it may become the biggest animation debut of all time.
Success despite mixed reviews
Although "Moana 2" received mixed reviews, with a score of 66% on Rotten Tomatoes, this did not deter fans. Disney is also working on a live-action adaptation of "Moana," with Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) in the cast. Thomas Kail, direct the film and Catherine Laga'aia is set to star in the lead role. If "Moana 2" is successful, further projects related to this franchise are likely.
You can watch the first "Moana" film on the Disney+ platform.
A successful weekend in American cinemas
The cast and crew of "Wicked" can also celebrate. It's another successful weekend for this cinematic adaptation of the Broadway show, and people are still eager to buy tickets. According to predictions, the film, featuring Ariana Grande, might earn nearly $100 million by Wednesday evening. Let's not forget the sequel to "Gladiator"; audiences are still heading to cinemas to see it, and Ridley Scott's film is projected to earn nearly $50 million.
It's worth noting that this year's standout has been animations. This weekend, considered crucial by cinema owners, is led by "Moana," but the hit of the entire year is "Inside Out 2." Globally, the Pixar animation has earned $1.69 billion – a staggering $800 million more than the first instalment.