EntertainmentLeonardo DiCaprio's Super Bowl appearance sparks discussion on his dating history

Leonardo DiCaprio's Super Bowl appearance sparks discussion on his dating history

On the night of February 10-11, the NFL league's ultimate showdown, also known as the Super Bowl, occurred. This event isn't solely about American football matches, with this year's game happening between San Francisco 49ers and the victorious Kansas City Chiefs, but also about commercials and new movie trailers broadcasted to millions of viewers. Traditionally, top-tier stars also provide live music performances, with Usher headlining on the last evening.

Leonardo DiCaprio fell victim to a SpongeBob prank at the Super Bowl.
Leonardo DiCaprio fell victim to a SpongeBob prank at the Super Bowl.
Images source: © Getty Images | 2023 Getty Images

Both viewers and commentators invariably focus on the celebrities in the crowd. Celebrities should be aware that their fashion choices or latest behavior might turn into fodder for public humor.

On this occasion, Leonardo DiCaprio was the subject of a jest. While it's true that the actor has had a fruitful film season due to his role as Ernest Burkhart in Martin Scorsese's "The Devil in the White City", earning stellar reviews and a plethora of film award nominations (though no Oscar nod was in sight), the humor at the Super Bowl was directed towards the actor's dating habits.

Leonardo DiCaprio, though nearing 50, is renowned for his interest in significantly younger women. The American media once delved into the actor's romantic history and concluded that he tends to part ways with his partners as they reach the age of 25. The age difference between the star and his successive girlfriends seems to be increasing.

So, the comment from a character dressed as Spongebob during the Super Bowl finale upon spotting the actor—"Leonardo DiCaprio! 25!"—was hardly a surprise. He then elucidated: "It's about his dating history".

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