EntertainmentJackass star Steve-O gets a wild forehead tattoo designed by Post Malone

Jackass star Steve-O gets a wild forehead tattoo designed by Post Malone

Steve-O with a new daring tattoo
Steve-O with a new daring tattoo
Images source: © X
Konrad Siwik

20 June 2024 23:06, updated: 21 June 2024 11:46

Jackass star Steve-O surprised fans with an exceptionally bold tattoo design. He had already announced earlier that he planned to decorate his face unusually and has just followed through. Post Malone helped him.

Tattoo designs are a matter of very individual choice. Some people choose them for religious or cultural reasons. Others pick motifs with personal significance unrelated to broader symbolism. Still, others simply go for patterns they like and sometimes even something humorous. And then, at the very end, there is Steve-O, who recently announced that for his 50th birthday, he would tattoo a penis on his forehead.

A face tattoo is a bold step that can affect many aspects of life, such as finding a job - due to the inability to hide the decoration. The Jackass star seems not to care about this, though. And in fact, he doesn’t have to, as he is not exactly short of work.

Steve-O got his first face tattoo. He chose a penis as the design

Steve-O told "Page Six" magazine: "I’m getting my first face tattoo. Post Malone is going to tattoo a d–k on my forehead. That’s the plan. He asked, ‘Is it going to be a chode?’ And I don’t even know what a chode is!"

Post Malone, the musician, did the controversial tattoo for him. He placed the design just above the comedian's right eyebrow. Perhaps Steve-O will even be able to "move" it by raising his eyebrows. A video of the event has appeared online.

It's worth mentioning that this is not the first time Steve-O and Post Malone have shared a tattooing experience. In 2022, both tattooed each other in the musician's home state of Utah, choosing the "Ghost Malone" design.

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