LifestyleHow to make geraniums flourish: Simple tips for every gardener

How to make geraniums flourish: Simple tips for every gardener

How to care for geraniums?
How to care for geraniums?
Images source: © Adobe Stock
Dominika Frydrych

6 July 2024 18:54

Geraniums are beloved flowers grown primarily in balcony boxes. It's no wonder—they're inexpensive and easy to grow. How can you make them even bushier and more impressive? There's a simple trick for that.

How do you keep geraniums in good shape all season long? These popular plants from South Africa love warm and sunny spots, making them perfect for southern balconies and windowsills. When you buy a seedling, place it in the sun—it will bloom quickly.

Geranium fertiliser: here's how to make it

You can strengthen geraniums with homemade fertiliser, which you can make by adding light beer to water. This "fertiliser" contains yeast, making it highly nutritious for our plants. Water them with this mixture every two to three weeks, and the geraniums will reward you with new cascades of flowers.

Another way to nourish geraniums is to water them with a few drops of iodine. This significantly impacts the plants' metabolic processes, making them much more resistant to diseases, accelerating their growth, and stimulating them to produce new flowers.

How to care for geraniums?

Geraniums are not very demanding but remember to water them regularly. It would help if you watered them daily, and during the hottest days, even twice a day, preferably early in the morning and evening when it's cooler. The key here is regularity. You don't need to use large amounts of water—the leaves store water well, and too much water can harm them.

To avoid overwatering and minimise the risk of root rot, you should plant geraniums in a pot with drainage. This will ensure that water doesn't stand in the soil. You can also drill a few holes in the box.