Tips&TricksHow do you spot a cheating partner? 7 warning signs of infidelity

How do you spot a cheating partner? 7 warning signs of infidelity

Infidelity is one of the hardest experiences a person can go through. Often, even seemingly strong relationships can be ruined by infidelity, and affairs are the most common reason for divorces. Discover 7 red flags that may indicate your partner is cheating!

Betrayal of a partner is something that can be easily exposed.
Betrayal of a partner is something that can be easily exposed.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS

Infidelity is a very difficult subject. Even if it's forgiven, it usually leaves a serious scar on the relationship and a lot of resentment. The injured party has a big problem with trusting again, and rebuilding trust often takes years. However, infidelity by a partner usually leads to a complete breakdown of the relationship. We advise you on what to look for and what red flags may signal that your partner is cheating. Check if your significant other might be unfaithful to you!

how can you detect infidelity?

Each relationship is different. Couples have their agreements and habits. However, certain behaviours can signal that one is being cheated on. So, how can you check if your partner is cheating on you? Above all, consider whether your partner's behaviour has changed recently. Has his or her routine suddenly changed, or do they now have different priorities, and something that once did not matter much now seems very important?

For instance, it could involve caring more about appearance, changing clothing styles, exercising more often, modifying diet, or spending more time at work or on hobbies. However, there is no need to panic right away. If your partner suddenly wants to find a new passion or needs to work more, it doesn't necessarily mean they are cheating on you.

How to recognize infidelity?

Infidelity can be recognized if a partner becomes much more secretive and mysterious. If your significant other suddenly leaves to make phone calls, often uses their phone, smiles at the screen, and takes the phone to the bathroom or shower, these signals could indicate an affair.

A red flag that may also inform about cheating is significantly less interest from your partner in the sexual aspect of your relationship. Of course, there are many reasons for a decrease in sexual desire in a relationship, and it does not necessarily mean an affair. However, this is a signal that should not be ignored.

Listen to your intuition

Intuition regarding a partner's infidelity often turns out to be the best signal that first alerts us to cheating. Some unexplained and sudden expenses, avoiding uncomfortable topics, less engagement in the relationship, and lack of interest in the other party's problems should be red flags in your relationship. However, if you suspect your partner of cheating, the best approach is to have an honest and serious conversation with them. After all, no one deserves to be deceived.

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