FoodHealth benefits and potential risks of flaxseed consumption: Who should avoid it?

Health benefits and potential risks of flaxseed consumption: Who should avoid it?

Images source: © Adobe Stock

21 February 2024 17:22

If you choose to consume flaxseed, you should be mindful of potential adverse effects. For the majority of people, the recommended dosage is safe. However, some individuals may observe an escalation in symptoms or a decline in their overall health.

Who should avoid flaxseed?

Despite being a rich source of fiber, flaxseed should not be consumed by those dealing with severe constipation. If you have this issue, it's advisable to consult a doctor, as home remedies may not only be ineffective but could exacerbate symptoms. Consuming flaxseed is also not advised for those dealing with inflammatory conditions, or those with an allergy to the product.

Another reason to avoid consuming flaxseed is if you're taking an anti-thrombotic medication, such as aspirin. Additionally, if you're on medication to lower cholesterol, you should consult with a doctor before adding flaxseed to your diet. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should also exercise caution when consuming flaxseed.

Effects linked to the consumption of flaxseed

The recommended daily intake of flaxseed is around 50 grams or 1.76 ounces. This amount is usually sufficient for individuals to reap the positive benefits associated with flaxseed consumption. It's vital to remember, though, that this product contains significant amounts of fibre, which could increase the frequency of bowel movements. Furthermore, excessive flaxseed in the diet can lead to abdominal discomfort, nausea and bloating.

Flaxseed© Pixabay

It's important to remember that when using flaxseed to improve bowel function, you must also increase your daily fluid intake. Consuming insufficient fluid while simultaneously upping the fiber in your diet through flaxseed consumption could have the opposite effect and lead to constipation.

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