FoodGrowing onions: A gardener's guide to perfect yields with homemade fertilizer

Growing onions: A gardener's guide to perfect yields with homemade fertilizer

Such an onion is a treasure. Use a special conditioner.
Such an onion is a treasure. Use a special conditioner.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Anna

27 May 2024 14:56

Growing onions is theoretically a piece of cake. And indeed, it is, but that doesn't change the fact that a little effort can go a long way. How? My grandfather used a special fertilizer for this healthy vegetable and never complained about poor yields. To this day, I remember the impressive results.

During the pandemic, it became apparent how valuable having even a tiny piece of land for personal use can be. Plots and gardens became oases of peace, and appreciation for them continues today. But resting in the shade of an apple tree is not everything. In an age of increasing nutritional awareness and knowledge about how many pollutants may be in store-bought fruits and vegetables, many people dream of creating their own vegetable gardens. And the first one to plant is always the onion.

If you also dream of a charming vegetable bed in your garden (or maybe you already have one?), I recommend a specific onion fertilizer today, ensuring the bulbs grow ideally. My grandfather used this mixture once, so I have experienced its effectiveness firsthand. And, of course, in terms of taste—when I enjoyed the soup made from home-grown onions.

Onion fertilizer

Proper nourishment of onions should be taken care of at two stages of development. First—the intro. Before planting the vegetable, the soil should be "enhanced" with wood ash. Thanks to this, the soil will lose some of its acidity, which will undoubtedly help the onions develop.

The onion will be large and well-grown.
The onion will be large and well-grown.© Licensor | 1195798

The second stage begins essentially at the end of the onion's growth. Our hero is prepared with the same product—wood ash. It should be sifted and mixed with water (100 grams of ash per 1 litre of liquid). This fertilizer is placed in a sprayer, and we feed the onions through the leaves in the morning or early evening.

When to harvest onions?

Maybe you are wondering when you should harvest onions. Which moment will be suitable for the onions to be the tastiest? This truth will be revealed to you by... the green tops. The rule is that onions should be harvested when the green tops turn yellow and collapse at the top.

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