Getting the best out of chokeberry: Tips for delicious, healthful preserves
The season for chokeberry preserves is about to begin. Juices and liqueurs made from these fruits are delicious and healthy, so they have many enthusiasts. However, not everyone knows that before the fruits are put in sugar, they must be adequately prepared. This will ensure that the preserves will not be bitter.
Chokeberry juice, also known as black chokeberry, is very healthy. The fruits contain a lot of valuable nutrients and are an excellent material for various preserves.
Rich composition of aronia
These inconspicuous fruits are a source of vitamin C, which boosts immunity, and vitamin B group, which are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. In addition to vitamins, chokeberry also contains a large amount of minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Interestingly, chokeberry is one of the richest sources of antioxidants among fruits. Antioxidants (such as anthocyanins) help fight free radicals, reducing the risk of many diseases, including cancer. Due to its antioxidant properties, chokeberry also contributes to delaying the ageing process of cells.
How to enrich your diet with chokeberry?
The easiest way is to drink juice from these fruits, which can be easily prepared at home. Aronia is also suitable for jams or liqueurs. However, their preparation involves a certain problem because chokeberry fruits are tart. Fortunately, there is a simple way to eliminate this unpleasant taste. Just freeze the fruits for a few hours before processing. This will remove the tartness, and the prepared preserves will be much more delicious. Their preparation is effortless.
Juice or liqueur?
- Transfer the frozen fruits to a pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and leave everything covered for 24 hours.
- Then, strain the chokeberry through cheesecloth over a sieve. Add sugar to the resulting juice (500 grams of sugar for the same amount of chokeberry) and bring to a boil again.
- When the sugar dissolves, you can pour the juice into bottles. If you are dreaming of a liqueur, this is the moment when you need to add alcohol.