LifestyleFizzy fix: Coca-Cola proves a limescale banishing hero

Fizzy fix: Coca-Cola proves a limescale banishing hero

Limescale build-up in kettles is a nuisance for many of us. This white deposit not only presents an aesthetic issue but can also spoil the taste of your drink and, over time, shorten the appliance's lifespan. However, there is a little-known trick that can help.

Method for Removing Limescale from a Kettle
Method for Removing Limescale from a Kettle
Images source: © Getty Images | Ana-O

The process of limescale formation is a natural phenomenon caused by hard water, which contains high concentrations of calcium and magnesium. When the water is heated, these minerals precipitate, forming a deposit. Although the resulting layer of limescale is not hazardous, it can affect the taste of our drinks, making them appear cloudy. Additionally, the liquid takes significantly longer to boil, leading to higher electricity bills.

Effective way to remove limescale

Instead of using chemical products, it is worth considering home and natural solutions. Although vinegar is the most popular and effective method, its smell tends to linger for quite some time. Moreover, before the kettle can be used again, it needs to be boiled several times to remove any residual odour. To avoid this, consider using a popular fizzy drink, which effectively removes stubborn deposits.

Perhaps not many people know, but Coca-Cola is excellent for removing unwanted limescale. It is an efficient agent that removes deposits and prevents further formation. This is thanks to the properties of phosphoric acid, which dissolves them and acts like a magnet. Furthermore, Coca-Cola is an inexpensive alternative to other cleaning methods and can be effective in various nooks and crannies of the home.

How to remove limescale using Coca-Cola?

To effectively eliminate unpleasant deposits, simply pour 300 ml (approximately ½ pint) of Coca-Cola into the kettle (preferably at room temperature). Then add water to ensure the drink completely covers the bottom of the kettle. Boil the solution and then leave the kettle for 30 minutes to allow the acid to work on the deposits. During this time, the limescale will begin to detach on its own. Finally, rinse the kettle with water to remove any drink residue that could affect the taste of the water.

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