FoodExpert tips for mastering French pancakes at home

Expert tips for mastering French pancakes at home

The French adore their pancakes and are masters at preparing them. They have a foolproof method to ensure their pancakes are always thin and delicate. One essential ingredient, a staple in French cuisine, is never missing.

French pancakes arranged on a plate
French pancakes arranged on a plate
Images source: © Adobe Stock | van der Steen Fotografie

The French often enjoy pancakes for breakfast, serving them with fruits or jam. Regardless of the toppings they choose, preparing and frying the batter are crucial steps. The pancake ingredients may not surprise anyone, so what makes French pancakes renowned worldwide?

Homemade pancakes are the best

Some say Paris smells like pancakes. While crepes sold at street stalls are mainly for tourists, the French make the best pancakes at home. They prepare them meticulously, measuring the ingredients precisely to ensure the batter has the right consistency, resulting in very thin yet flexible pancakes.

What is essential in pancake batter?

The second secret is an ingredient fundamental to French cuisine: butter. It is melted and added to the batter, though it should be melted but not hot. This fat gives the pancakes their unique taste and flexibility, enabling them to be fried with minimal additional fat. The French also often sift the flour they add to the batter, improving the pancakes' consistency.

French pancakes - Recipe


  • 1 cup of plain flour,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 2/3 cup of milk,
  • 1 cup of sparkling water,
  • 3 tablespoons of melted butter,
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Sift the flour into a bowl and add the salt. Ensure the milk and water are chilled, and the melted butter is not hot.
  2. Add the milk, water, and eggs to the flour. Blend the mixture into a smooth batter using a mixer on high speed, gradually adding the melted butter.
  3. Heat a frying pan and lightly grease it with butter. Pour portions of batter onto the hot pan and spread them evenly over the entire surface. Fry the pancakes to a golden colour on both sides.

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