NewsEU launches maritime operation to safeguard navigation in Red Sea and Persian Gulf

EU launches maritime operation to safeguard navigation in Red Sea and Persian Gulf

French warship in the Red Sea (illustrative photo)
French warship in the Red Sea (illustrative photo)
Images source: © Getty Images | Luke Dray
ed. MZUG

19 February 2024 18:12

Josep Borrell, the chief of the European Union's diplomacy, explained that this decision is the answer to the requirement to ensure maritime security and freedom of navigation in this important maritime corridor.

This operation will play a pivotal role in safeguarding commercial interests and security for the benefit of the European Union and the broader international community - emphasised Borrell.

The proposed operation implies that the naval forces of EU member states will maintain a presence in the area, which, from October 2023, has been frequently attacked by Houthi fighters targeting merchant ships.

The command of the operation will be assumed by Commander Vasilios Griparis, whilst Rear Admiral Stefano Costantino will lead the force. The Operation Headquarters will be situated in the Greek city of Larisa.

Houthis attacks in the Red Sea

Since October 2023, a series of Houthi attacks have been carried out against ships in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Oman. These attacks are life-threatening to the ship crews and infringe on the right of passage through straits used for international navigation, a right safeguarded by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

On January 10, 2024, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution which severely condemned these Houthi attacks on merchant ships while demanding their immediate halt. They affirmed that the rights and freedoms of navigation for merchant ships in compliance with international law must be upheld. It further highlighted the right of countries to secure their boats from attacks.

Since November, Yemeni Houthi rebels have led numerous attacks on ships in the Red Sea under the pretext of supporting the actions of the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas and their conflict with Israel in the Gaza Strip.

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