FoodErase garlic aroma from your hands efficiently: Simple kitchen tips

Erase garlic aroma from your hands efficiently: Simple kitchen tips

The smell of garlic on your hands? It's no problem.
The smell of garlic on your hands? It's no problem.
Images source: © Canva | stuartpitkin

12 February 2024 13:32

It's a predicament that's befallen all of us at some point. In the midst of preparing a romantic meal for our significant other, we've utilized garlic (an obligatory ingredient for dishes such as pasta - a classic meal for a "Rendez-vous") and subsequently find ourselves urgently seeking ways to rid our hands of the pervasive aroma. Then, to our dismay, we discover that soap offers no help.

It's in these moments that swift, but judicious action is needed. If we hope to avoid discomfort every time we exchange a handshake with our partner, an effective strategy is necessary. Happily, shedding the aroma of garlic can be accomplished through rather simple means. Each technique is detailed below.

Banishing garlic scent in moments

Many plan ahead when they know they'll be using garlic, choosing to wear gloves before even beginning to cook. This is an effective preventative method, though not always practical, as we don't always have gloves to hand in the kitchen. Cooking with gloves can feel peculiar to some, and the potential for accidental cuts is somewhat heightened. It's a matter of weighing up the pros and cons, isn't it?

Fortunately, expelling the scent of garlic isn't a complex task. Several reliable solutions exist. The first involves metal, a material whose iron ions magnetize the sulfur molecules that generate the odor of garlic or onion. In professional kitchen settings, chefs often use dedicated metal soaps. However, common kitchen utensils or tools suffice for household use.

The second method is slightly more involved, requiring you to create a paste from lemon juice and salt and then work it into your hands. This concoction succeeds in eliminating odors and cleaning from other stains, albeit with the caveat that you avoid rubbing it into any cuts on your hands, as this can cause discomfort.

Metal removes the smell of garlic.
Metal removes the smell of garlic.© Canva | ronstik

Our recommended solution for driving away garlic odor from our hands? Use ground coffee. Simply sprinkle a small amount on the 'affected' areas and rub your hands together energetically for a brief period. In just a few moments, you'll notice the smell has bid farewell, allowing you to proceed with your romantic dinner plans free from worry!