News"Doge" Kabosu, internet icon and Dogecoin symbol passes away at 19

"Doge" Kabosu, internet icon and Dogecoin symbol passes away at 19

The "pieseł" from the memes has passed away. He fought with his illness for a long time.
The "pieseł" from the memes has passed away. He fought with his illness for a long time.
Images source: © Internet

24 May 2024 10:26

The most famous "doge" from renowned memes has passed away. Kabosu, the Shiba Inu dog, died after a long battle with illness. This pet's memory will live on in the hearts of millions worldwide who smiled at the sight of this friendly face.

It's a sad day for fans of funny pictures and more. The most famous "pieseł" from memes has passed away. According to media reports, the friendly dog was 19 years old.

Kabosu died on 23 May at 7:50 PM GMT – wrote her caretaker, Japanese Atsuko Sato, on the dog's blog.

In the last years of her life, Kabosu suffered from leukaemia and hepatitis.

I am certain Kabosu was the happiest dog in the world. That makes me the happiest owner in the world. he went very peacefully without suffering, as if falling asleep while feeling the warmth of my hands petting her. – wrote the dog's caretaker in a farewell post.

The "doge" from memes is no more. Made a global career

Kabosu, a female Shiba Inu, was adopted by Japanese kindergarten teacher Atsuko Sato in 2008. Sato's photos of Kabosu started gaining popularity in 2010 when she shared them on her blog.

One of the pictures showing Kabosu with a unique, mocking facial expression quickly turned into a meme that took over the internet. Images of Kabosu, captioned in broken English with phrases such as "so scare," "much wow," and "very love," became recognizable worldwide.

The dog not only captured the hearts of internet users but also inspired the cryptocurrency Dogecoin, which gained value and popularity over time.

In 2022, Kabosu gained new significance in the internet world, becoming a symbol of support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. The dog became the face of the NAFO movement, or North Atlantic Fellas Organization, which references the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This movement was aimed against Russian disinformation and aimed to support Ukraine.

And what does the most famous "doge" from memes remind you of the most?

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