LifestyleDIY screen cleaner: A homemade solution for less dust on your TV and laptop screens

DIY screen cleaner: A homemade solution for less dust on your TV and laptop screens

A dirty TV screen can be a nuisance, particularly on sunny days. It's the sunlight that emphasises just how much dust accumulates on the TV screen, which can often hinder your enjoyment of films or series.

Try this method of cleaning screens. It works wonders.
Try this method of cleaning screens. It works wonders.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | MandicJovan

What should you clean your TV screen with? Not just any cleaning agent will suffice

Modern screens are fragile and delicate. They're easily damaged during cleaning, and it's not about how much pressure you apply to the TV, but about the products you use to clean them. Alcohol-based products can damage the screen's surface, so they are not appropriate.

So, what's the safest way to clean a TV screen? The best option is to use a non-alcohol-based surface cleaner. However, an even better solution is a DIY screen cleaner with antistatic properties that guard against dust accumulation on the surface.

With this homemade liquid, you can also clean your computer, tablet, or mobile phone screen. It's easy to prepare and takes less than a minute. Simply mix distilled water and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. The most convenient method is to prepare it in a spray-bottle. Apply the mixture to a cotton cloth and use it to wipe the entire screen, including the casing. The cloth should be just slightly damp.

How to clean a TV screen? The process is crucial

While the type of cleaning agent is essential, the technique employed is equally vital. Such delicate surfaces should only be cleaned with soft cotton cloths. Best is a microfibre cloth. Other materials, like a sponge, could leave scratches on the screen's surface and cause significant damage.

Importantly, never directly spray any cleaning agent onto the screen surface. Dampen the cloth with the cleaning agent and use it to thoroughly clean the screen's surface. Spraying directly onto the screen risks water getting inside the device, which could lead to its malfunction.

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