EntertainmentDid Baba Vanga predict the apocalypse to begin in 2025?

Did Baba Vanga predict the apocalypse to begin in 2025?

Many fulfilled prophecies are attributed to the blind Bulgarian clairvoyant Vangelija Gushterova, including predictions about the Chernobyl power plant disaster. Her admirers have disturbing news for all of humanity. Is there reason to worry?

Did Baba Vanga predict the future of humanity?
Did Baba Vanga predict the future of humanity?

Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, known as Baba Vanga, was a blind Bulgarian clairvoyant widely known for her supposed power of precognition. Although her eyes were blind, she was said to be able to look into the future and make bold and dramatic prophecies, earning her the nickname "Nostradamus of the Balkans." Although she died in 1996, many prophecies extended far into the future.

Will the end of the world begin in 2025?

The latest of Baba Vanga’s astonishing prophecies, which has appeared in the media, is the statement that the world's end will begin in 2025. Although humanity will finally disappear from the face of the Earth only in the year 5079, according to Gushterova, the apocalypse will start in 2025.

According to visions attributed to Baba Vanga, the end of human existence will be preceded by many dramatic events. In 2025, "a conflict in Europe will destroy the continent's population." By 2033, "the polar ice caps will melt, and the sea level will rise dramatically worldwide." In the year 2130, "humanity will meet with extraterrestrials." In 3005, "Earth will be at war with Mars" - it is unfortunately unclear whether this will be a conflict with aliens or with earthly colonisers of the red planet.

Did the Bulgarian clairvoyant predict the future of humanity?

Baba Vanga's name has been associated for decades with many historical events, from the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, and the Chernobyl disaster to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States. Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova was born in 1911 and lost sight after a storm when she was 12. It is believed that after this incident, she developed the ability to foresee the future.

There is no official record of the clairvoyant’s prophecies, which significantly complicates, or rather makes it impossible, to verify them. Although it is believed that Baba Vanga did indeed make certain prophecies, it is unclear whether some "her" predictions that have "come true" or gained viral popularity were actually spoken by Gushterova. Most importantly, many predicted events attributed to her did not happen.

Source: nyp.com

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