LifestyleDating in the digital age: Tips for a successful first date

Dating in the digital age: Tips for a successful first date

What to talk about on a date
What to talk about on a date
Images source: © Canva | Canva

6 September 2024 19:44

Today's dating scene looks completely different from how it did a dozen or so years ago. In the age of the burgeoning Internet and various apps, making new acquaintances is increasingly moving online. Regardless of our experiences and approach to dating, everyone wants to know how to behave on a first date. What should one talk about and what should be considered when planning the first date?

First: Both sides should make an effort

Each of us dreams of an ideal date, modelled after romantic comedies. Our vision doesn't always have the chance to come true. Even if the setup is not as perfect as we imagined, everyone surely wants to avoid awkward silences.

Let's start by emphasising that both parties are responsible for the success of the date. Keeping the conversation going is not the task of just one person. Therefore, if it is only one person making attempts to start a conversation, and they are met with brief responses and no questions in return, it's likely a sign that you're not on the same wavelength.

Second: Relax in case of failure

When meeting someone online, it can sometimes be hard to predict how they will behave during an in-person meeting. If it turns out that the date isn't going as planned, relax and don't treat it as a failure. This way, you can avoid disappointment and sadness. Be aware that a perfect date is really quite rare.

How to make a good impression? First: choose the right place

The basic thing is to choose the right place and time. If we have a very busy day and by 10:00 PM we are exhausted, let's not schedule a date for 9:30 PM. The same goes for the meeting place – we need to choose a space conducive to a first meeting. Suggest a place that offers a setting for a relaxed conversation. A loud restaurant or club might make it difficult to talk – it will be hard to hear each other and concentrate. Being an attentive listener in such a place may also be unrealistic.

Let's find out what type of meeting the other person prefers and jointly choose a location. Making a joint decision tells us a lot about a potential partner.

Second: focus not only on talking but also on listening

These two elements are key to having a genuine, sincere, and comfortable conversation. Listening skills are a great asset these days. Don't interrupt; let the other person finish their sentence, so there is no sense of being rushed or pressured.

Third: show curiosity

Be interested in the other person and what they are saying. Don't change the subject when they start talking about something passionately; instead, ask follow-up questions and show your curiosity.

How to talk on a first date? Honestly and without pretense

There's no getting around it – whether there will be a second date depends on how the first one goes. Therefore, if we are interested in the other person, it's no surprise that we want to make a great impression. Often, in these efforts, we get carried away and start pretending to be someone we're not. Such showing off is not only for children – it happens among adults who want to present themselves in the best possible light. Unfortunately, it usually turns out quite the opposite.

Being authentic, just as we are daily, works much better. Creating fictional versions of ourselves only adds extra stress. The other person will eventually notice that it wasn't our true self.

Ask about what you want to know

A date is not a job interview, but it's worth asking a potential partner a few questions that are important to us. Each of us has different values, interests, and preferences. If it turns out at the very beginning that we have nothing in common, the chances of it turning into something more are pretty slim.

Don't speak negatively about exes

It's obvious that everyone has some love experiences behind them, some more successful than others. If the topic of ex-partners comes up, don't make a secret of it, but also don't badmouth them. It reflects poorly on us.

Discuss light topics

Questions about hobbies, travel, favourite films or TV shows, or dishes are definitely recommended topics for a first date. Avoid bringing up serious subjects that require lengthy explanations, complex plots, and are emotionally challenging.

Don't be too open

Even if we are very open and want to lay all our cards on the table on the first date, it's worth considering if this is the right tactic. Everyone has a different level of openness and doesn't always want to share everything right away. Don't pry into very private details from your potential partner, and don't overshare yourself – it might be overwhelming for the other person.

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