Tips&TricksCrucial role of seat belts: Between small plastic buttons and traffic accident mortality rates

Crucial role of seat belts: Between small plastic buttons and traffic accident mortality rates

Seat belts have this feature not by accident.
Seat belts have this feature not by accident.
Images source: © Canva, Getty Images | Daniil Dubov

8 February 2024 00:54, updated: 7 March 2024 09:00

Many drivers and passengers neglect to fasten their belts, leading to substantial health risks and even threats to life. A number of individuals strap the seat belts behind their backs to fool the car's alert system and avoid the irritating beeping noise. Not only does the absence of a properly fastened belt carry a risk of receiving a fine, but it can also lead to far more serious consequences. Certainly, everyone has pondered once about the construction of seat belts. Are you familiar with the reason manufacturers install plastic buttons on the belts?

Why do seat belts have a button?

Seat belts were first introduced in 1958 by the Volvo brand. However, it was only in the 1980s that Mercedes enhanced their functioning, leading to an increase in companies developing improved and safer seat belt technology. At that time in the UK, only drivers and front seat passengers were required to use seat belts outside of built-up areas. The regulations underwent changes in 1991 and remain the same today, hence the importance of adherence to them.

When fastening a seat belt, you have likely noticed the distinctive button, affixed for reasons that may not be immediately apparent. This feature is not so much about safety as it is about convenience. Everyone has probably experienced the minor inconvenience of straining to reach the end of the seat belt before a journey, a nuisance that can sour one's mood. This small button significantly facilitates fastening the seat belt by keeping the buckle at a constant location, making it easily within reach. Without this button, the use of seat belts might become cumbersome and annoying.

What is the risk in not wearing a seat belt?

Many drivers disregard traffic rules concerning seat belt usage because of the small penalty of £17. However, the severity of the infraction is escalated by the punishment points, which can quickly result in the loss of a driving license. Consider the grim statistics if these facts don't persuade you to buckle up. Wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of dying in a traffic accident by 45 percent! In Poland, a staggering 12% of all motor accidents result in fatalities due to unfastened seat belts, a figure that is four times higher than in other European countries.

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