FoodCrispy breaded oyster mushrooms recipe unveiled

Crispy breaded oyster mushrooms recipe unveiled

Oyster mushrooms in breadcrumbs. Famous chef revealed the recipe
Oyster mushrooms in breadcrumbs. Famous chef revealed the recipe
Images source: © Canva, Facebook | Gotuj z Kuroniem Jakub Kuroń, Ika Rahma

13 June 2024 17:48

Famous chef shared his original recipe for a popular vegetarian snack. It's so delicious that it's hard to stop eating, and the secret lies in the incredibly crunchy breading. If you like oyster mushrooms, you must know this recipe!

The culinary popularity of oyster mushrooms is cyclical. Many of us enjoyed them during our childhood, only to forget about these tasty and healthy mushrooms for decades. Currently, oyster mushrooms are back in favour with double the strength. This is due to society's desire to expand home menus with new products and the growing popularity of meat-free diets. However, don't be fooled by this fact because these mushrooms are enjoyed not only by vegans but also by regular meat-eaters.

It was in one of the meat-free restaurants that the chef himself tried breaded oyster mushrooms. The famous chef liked them so much that he made his version of this simple snack. Of course, he couldn't resist tweaking the recipe a bit. Chef uses whole-grain rye flour to achieve the perfect crunchiness and enhances the flavour with... turmeric. We love such combinations and couldn't resist sharing this noble recipe with you!

Breaded oyster mushrooms — chef's recipe


  • 400 grams (about 14 ounces) of oyster mushrooms.
  • 3 large eggs.
  • 240 millilitres (about 1 cup) of rye flour (whole grain),
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric,
  • salt,
  • 475 millilitres (about 2 cups) of canola oil for frying,
  • optional: hot sauce for serving.
Oyster mushrooms are not only tasty but also healthy.
Oyster mushrooms are not only tasty but also healthy.© Canva | szjeno09190


  1. Cut larger mushrooms into 2-3 pieces. Leave the smaller ones whole.
  2. Transfer the rye flour to a bowl and mix with a teaspoon of turmeric and salt.
  3. Crack the eggs and whisk them.
  4. Bread the oyster mushrooms first in the egg, then in the seasoned whole grain flour.
  5. Heat the oil in a pot. Fry the breaded oyster mushrooms in batches, 5-6 pieces at a time. This process should be fairly quick; Chef mentions about 2 minutes per batch.
  6. Place the fried mushrooms on a rack. This will allow excess moisture to evaporate.
  7. Serve with your favourite sauce. For chef, it's an extremely hot chilli sauce, but if you don't prefer such extreme sensations, we recommend homemade garlic sauce. Enjoy your meal!
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