NewsAt 102, Gianluigi Giovetti finally awarded long-delayed diploma

At 102, Gianluigi Giovetti finally awarded long-delayed diploma

He is 102 years old. He just received his diploma for completing his studies.
He is 102 years old. He just received his diploma for completing his studies.
Images source: © Carlo Spagnol, Facebook
Violetta Baran

31 March 2024 07:55

Gianluigi Giovetti received his diploma on Friday, an achievement that might not seem extraordinary unless you consider that the man is 102 years old and completed his studies back in 1947.

The diploma award ceremony was conducted remotely and broadcast live at the nursing home in Pordenone, where the 102-year-old graduate resides.

As reported by the local newspaper "Messaggero Veneto", the ceremony was organised by the University of Modena. This is the city where Gianluigi Giovetti was born and where he finished his studies in the chemistry department in 1947.

After earning his first degree, Giovetti chose to further his studies in pharmaceutical chemistry to work in his grandfather's company.

However, due to bureaucratic reasons as explained by the newspaper, his laboratory internships were not recognised at the time, preventing him from taking the final exam.

The children of the 102-year-old decided to fight for their father

The man, who had moved out of Modena with his family, opted not to redo the internships. Instead, using his first diploma, he secured a position at a food company, where he worked as a chemist for many years.

The children of the 102-year-old, who has been retired for many years, decided to reach out to the university on their father's behalf and requested that a diploma in pharmaceutical chemistry be awarded to him.

The university responded positively to the request of the 102-year-old's children. After a review, it decided to award him the diploma of completing the second degree. The university representatives highlighted their appreciation for the elderly man's passion for learning and his respect for the value of the diploma.

During the virtual ceremony, the senior addressed his former university, declaring: "As a 102-year-old, I tell you: long live life!"