TechArtemis II launch delayed to 2026 for crew safety upgrades

Artemis II launch delayed to 2026 for crew safety upgrades

NASA has announced a delay in the launch of the Artemis II mission. It has been postponed to November 2026 due to technical issues. This decision is intended to ensure crew safety and resolve essential technological problems.

Start of the Artemis mission
Start of the Artemis mission
Images source: © Getty Images | Red Huber

NASA is facing new challenges related to the delay of the Artemis II mission, which aims to return humans to the Moon. The Orion spacecraft requires further work on its safety systems and thermal shield. The delay until November 2026 is intended to address these issues to ensure crew safety.

NASA wishes to refine details concerning the thermal shield. They plan to use the same shield, but the return trajectory to Earth will be altered. Hence, the mission launch date has been moved from September 2025 to November 2026.

The next lunar mission in the Artemis series is scheduled to launch the following year. The additional time gained by NASA will be used to address issues with the Orion's life support systems.

The Artemis II mission will include a ten-day crewed flight. It will take astronauts on a journey to orbit the Moon. The third Artemis mission plans for two astronauts to land on the Moon's south pole. This will be the first such landing since 1972. Subsequent lunar missions plan to place a space station with a living module in orbit around our natural satellite.

The postponement of the Artemis II mission launch is another delay in the programme. Initially, it was planned to launch in 2024, but in January, the launch was pushed to September 2025. NASA admitted that the original programme schedule was "ambitious."

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