NewsArmenia threatens CSTO exit over unresolved security issues

Armenia threatens CSTO exit over unresolved security issues

Armenia considers leaving the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization.
Armenia considers leaving the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization.
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ed. PJM

13 March 2024 10:34

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated the country would exit the alliance if it did not receive a satisfactory answer to its security concerns, according to "The Kyiv Independent". "If the CSTO clarifies the scope of its responsibility in Armenia in line with our expectations, the matter will be considered resolved. Otherwise, Armenia will depart from the CSTO," Pashinyan explained.

Russia failed to assist with Nagorno-Karabakh

A rift between Yerevan and Moscow became evident when Russia and its "peacekeeping forces" in Nagorno-Karabakh did not prevent Azerbaijan from taking control of the region. According to Article 4 of the alliance treaty, all member states must aid any member that faces aggression. This principle is akin to Article 5 of NATO. The CSTO remained inactive during Azerbaijan's advances in September 2023.

Armenia suspended its participation in the Russia-led alliance in February. Furthermore, as reported by PAP, in March, Yerevan asked Moscow to halt the operations of Russian border guards at Armenia's capital airport.

Armenia seeks closer ties with the West

With growing tensions with its former ally, Armenia seeks to forge closer connections with the West. PAP reported last week that Yerevan is "actively contemplating" joining the European Union. "Considering the challenges we've faced over the past three to four years, new opportunities are currently under active discussion in Armenia. It's an open secret that one of these possibilities is EU membership," said Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan.

Source: The Kyiv Independent, PAP

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