SportsAge-defying romance: Marco Polo del Nero finds love with model half a century his age

Age‑defying romance: Marco Polo del Nero finds love with model half a century his age

Marco Polo del Nero became infamous for numerous scandals in both his private and professional life. At 83, he finds peace alongside a model, Clara Brasil, who is 50 years his age.

Clara Brasil with a partner 50 years her senior
Clara Brasil with a partner 50 years her senior
Images source: © Instagram | Clara Brasil
Sebastian Szczytkowski

Clara Brasil became involved with the former coach and football official months ago, but she still likes to keep the interest in her relationship heated. The news about her private life is making waves in South American media. It's not surprising, considering her beloved Marco Polo del Nero is 50 years older than her.

"I have received and continue to receive a lot of criticism, but I don't care what others think of me. I am respected loved, and very happy. I don't depend on the opinions of others," Clara Brasil wrote on Instagram.

Over 350,000 people on Instagram follow the Brazilian's account. Clara Brasil is not only engaged in posing in front of camera lenses but also tried her hand as an actress. She is unafraid of bold photos and often showcases herself in a bikini.

What the lovers cannot do together is travel far. Marco Polo del Nero is wanted in both Europe and the United States. He has found safe refuge in his homeland Brazil, where he enjoys freedom alongside Clara Brasil.

Marco Polo del Nero was a football official in organizations such as FIFA and CONMEBOL and the president of the Brazilian football association. His significant career ended in 2015 due to suspicions of numerous crimes. Del Nero has had to keep his distance from sports for nearly a decade.

The controversial official was suspended by FIFA and fined 870,000 pounds (approximately one million Swiss francs). Law enforcement accused him of embezzling money, extortion, financial fraud, and offering bribes.

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