LifestyleA fresh take on cucumber salad: Yoghurt, honey, and lemon twist

A fresh take on cucumber salad: Yoghurt, honey, and lemon twist

Summer is the time when fresh vegetables reign supreme on the tables. One of the favourite salads is classic cucumber salad. However, it is worth preparing it differently—the secret lies in replacing the cream with yoghurt and choosing the right additions.

Recipe for cucumber salad. Perfect for the summer.
Recipe for cucumber salad. Perfect for the summer.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Pawel Kacperek

Cucumber salad is a classic known and loved by almost everyone. Traditionally, it is made with cream, cucumbers, dill, salt, and pepper. However, there are many ways to diversify this simple recipe and give it a new flavour dimension.

One of the more interesting ways is to replace the cream with natural yoghurt, which is lighter and less caloric, while giving the cucumber salad a creamy consistency. Another exciting option is to replace the cream with Greek yoghurt. But that's not all. If you're looking for a delicious and light salad that perfectly complements grilled meats or fish or serves as a standalone snack, this recipe will surely appeal to you. It surprises not only with its aroma but also with its refreshing taste.

Recipe for cucumber salad in a refreshed version

Cucumber salad with yoghurt is not only delicious but also a healthy snack. Cucumbers are low in calories and rich in water, making them ideal for a weight-loss diet. Natural yoghurt provides valuable probiotic bacteria that positively affect the digestive system.

Additionally, this recipe uses honey and lemon. Honey is a natural sweetener with antibacterial and antiviral properties. Conversely, Lemon is a source of vitamin C, which strengthens the body's immunity.

How to prepare summer cucumber salad

To prepare refreshed mizeria, you need 500 grams of cucumbers, 200 grams of natural or Greek yoghurt, half a bunch of chopped dill, one tablespoon of liquid honey, one tablespoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of grated lemon zest, and salt and pepper to taste.

First, prepare the sauce. Pour the yoghurt into a bowl, add the lemon juice and honey. Mix and add the lemon zest and spices. Mix again. Then, peel the cucumbers and cut them into thin slices. Add the dill and mix everything after adding the cucumbers to the vessel.

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